November 29, 2022
5 mins

VR experience website

Project scope

My role: UX and UI designer
Currently fans are in need of full experience to follow their favourite sport, without need to buy tickets, travel to the stadiums and arenas.
Solution: Create a platform for fans to book and watch various sport events.

Project duration:

October 2022- November 2022

Understanding the user

Users often feel frustration when they can’t find tickets for particular event.

User persona Bojan

Bojan's user persona

User journey map

I created a user journey map of Bojan’s experience using the site to help identify possible pain points and improvement opportunities.

Starting the design

  • Paper wireframes
  • Digital wireframes
  • Low-fidelity prototype
  • Usability studies
Sitemap I created as a infrastructure map
Wireframes sketches
Refined sketches
Low Fidelity prototype

Usability study findings

These were the main findings uncovered by the usability study: 

  1. Stream: Users felt that link to stream was hidden
  2. Subscription: Users wanted to have option to remove items from the basket
  3. Ending the sub: Users wanted an option to unsubscribe if they haven’t streamed any games.

Refining the design