November 29, 2022
5 mins

Citizen APP- Report infrastructure damages

Project scope

My role: Lead UX designer, UX researcher, UI designer.
How to help get the infrastructure in the city repaired.

Solution: Application that helps citizens report infrastructure damage.

Project duration:

November 2022- November 2022

Understanding the user

I used Government agency’s data on infrastructure damages and repairs to develop interview questions, which were then used to conduct user interviews. Most interview participants reported feeling dissatisfied about infrastructure damages, but they didn't actively try to report and file a notice to their government agencies. The feedback received through research made it very clear that users would be open and willing to report and capture images of the damages if there was an app to help them with that.

User persona Marija

User persona for Marija

User journey map

I created a user journey map of Bojan’s experience using the site to help identify possible pain points and improvement opportunities.

Starting the design

  • Paper wireframes
  • Digital wireframes
  • Low-fidelity prototype
  • Usability studies

Usability study findings

These were the main findings uncovered by the usability study: 

  1. Camera: Users reported that they want an option in app to take a photo of the damaged infrastructure.
  2. Login: Users wanted a simple login procedure with Facebook or Google, since older users have those platforms profiles.
  3. Navigation: Users wanted a list of government departments they could contact.

Refining the design

Responsive website design